Bicycling in and around Atlanta.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Lack of fun rides leads to lack of blogging

Ok, the new job officially sucks. Sure it's a nice easy ride and yes they have lots of bike parking, but frankly the work itself is just tedious. This weekend I making time for a nice long ride to nowhere in particular.

Friday, February 23, 2007

New Job For Now

Ok, I've got a new job at least for a little while.  I've taken a contract position but here's the rub.  It's only a mile from home, so I barely get warmed up before I get to work.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Well my commuting days are over for a while. As of Wednesday I'm
unemployed. I'm looking for yet another job where I can ride my bike
to work.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

When Your Engine Breaks Down

One of the perils of relying on a bicycle to get you places is that occasionally you pull, twist, or pinch something, and suddenly you’re not going anywhere.  I guess one of the things about getting older is that this happens with more regularity now.  So I’m off the bike for a couple of days.  Carpooling isn’t so bad, except for the fact that I’m in a car and not on a bike.